Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People


by Sezz

Money, money, money...

The cause of so much frustration.

Maybe that is what caused the angry writer to melt down the way he/she did...

I know I've read the endless news letters that filled my inbox in eager anticipation only to find a sales pitch for something I truly earn for.

Two years ago I sat facing a psychologist and said during my last session that I have the nagging feeling that there must be more to life than this.

She responded that maybe this is it, maybe there isn't anything more...

That response is the reason I ended my sessions and stopped wasting my medical aid savings on a shoe that just didn't fit.

I've continued my search and I've learnt so much.

I have many pieces of the puzzle but I can't quite put it all together.

I know that completing a life coaching course will help put all the pieces together.

But sadly I don't have the funds to realise my dream of becoming a life coach.

I know that the newsletters are used as marketing tools but on the wrong day I've also responded negatively when my desire to become a life coach leads to increased frustration knowing that it's not going to happen any time soon.

My search for the full picture continues.

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by Ron Ashworth
(Jhb. South Africa)

I don't think that you should base your approach to marketing on the response of one person who dislikes what you are doing. In turn that person is also selling you something - her likes and dislikes.

If we wait for people to find us and what we sell, then we would be in for a long wait. You did mention that there is a line between being offensive and genuine marketing of your services. My approach has been to boldly state who I am and what I offer. If someone simply says no, then I accept it and move on to the next prospect.

I recently tried to find ways to earn money on the Internet. To get into most sites you need to give your name and e-mail address. What happens after that is they bombard you with lots of e-mails hoping that you will eventually give in to their sales pitch. That is what I call offensive. When you try to unsubscribe they ignore even that.

By the way, I know that I would be great at coaching people, but I cannot afford your course at present. If you made it possible to pay you off then it would be more manageable.

Keep up the good work of helping people cope with life.

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Cynics we will always have...

by Jay Pillay

I quite agree with your article. Cynics we will always have. But it's a big enough world. If we let nay-sayers dampen our enthusiasm for what we do, that's a choice we make. (Sadly, you are at a disadvantage. You are selling something - like us all!)

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What is 'Fair'?

by Swanie
(South Africa)

The uneducated person - who never had better examples- does not know how to improve his/her situation. They can not afford the knowledge to prosper, and they can not get the knowledge from such companies that only want more traffic on a pay-per-click-system.

I understand your stance, yet I am a poverty stricken adult that want to prosper and then repay the person that "gets" me there. That person/company is not available. So what can I do?..... I join as many sites as possible and look at every angle given by each of them, and then try out for myself whatever makes sense.

Yes, I know you need to survive. But don't you say that you have the Insight? How can I prosper if only the "able" ones can get the information? For me (and more of the same situation people) it is difficult, more than it is for you.

Maybe it is a wake-up call for you OR EVEN to me, you decide.

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by Gayle
(Benoni, Gauteng)

I have to disagree with the comment that the newsletter is "not sincere or genuine." I receive tons of un-solicited, and solicited e-mails. I look forward to the Insights letter every week, and have used at least 80% of its contents to motivate myself and/or my staff family and friends. I find them VERY inspirational and pertinent to the current social and economic climate.

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A Value Proposition?

by Trevor Ellary
(Port Elizabeth)

Very good topic!

I am in IT sales & service, & I always think about where do you draw the line in closing a sale or how do I market myself without being pushy. I understand that the news letter is there to promote Coaching but I welcome that. It is a life style I would like to persue later.

So the news letter is very informative in helping build a practical way to what is being said.

Bill, you are inspiring, please keep up the news letter.
There are days where I need it more than others. Your personality is great, and I have developed a trust in you so I am not defensive in what you say, but open to understanding your viewpoint.

After all it was my choice to subscribe in the first place, and I was worried you would remove me if I didn't become a student of life coaching, but you didn't, so thank you again.


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Insights: Value Proposition?

by Renier

I have been receiving your news letters for quite some time now, and have always enjoyed reading them. Sure, some times I get more from it than other times but I still get something from it.

Maybe I have missed something but from what I can see you have never "promoted" any product in the letter itself. Except of course the Life Coach Training program which is what this is all about.

So if reader x is not happy with your sincerity, then, as you stated, he/she can just unsubscribe.

No, I suspect reader x has a problem with sales people in general. Based on his/her strong expression against it, and have completely misinterpreted your intention with these letters and have simply shrugged it off as another sales pitch.

Just as a matter interest, did reader x actually point out any specific letter stating what the issue was, giving you a chance to explain/defend?

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by Ren
(South Africa)

Hi Bill,

I always look forward to receiving your mails. I have found that there is always something positive to gain from them. Whether it be something that is directly applicable to a current situation at hand or just a different perspective or angle that frees the mind to take a different train of thought.

Thank you for you time and effort, it is definitely not going to waste.

With regard to "pushy" sales people. We all sell ourselves in one way or another, every day. Whether it be gunning for a promotion, impressing a prospective new partner or simply pushing for a discount. It's the most basic instinct, survival of the fittest.

The best example of this I saw was a few years back on a trip to Mozambique. i was approached by a 15yr old boy who had been injured by a landmine. But instead of sitting an begging he put forward his best sales pitch with a smile from ear to ear. He was confident, positive and exceptionally convincing that he could make a difference to my trip as a guide. So I agreed to give him a try for the first day. On 1 leg and very worn crutches, he was faster than most, negotiated all foreign exchanges on the local market (the first few I untrustingly checked), organised decent accomodation for me and promptly spent a week with me travelling and saving me a small fortune.

At the end of my trip I asked him how long he had been a "guide" and what he did with his earnings. He had been doing this for the age of 11 and took the money home to feed his family as his father had died. Then I asked him about schooling, he said he would love to return, but as the "man" of the house he had to provide for his family first. I was absolutely blown away by this kid.

Not once did he complain about life being unfair, how difficult his life was. I paid him very well for his time and ask if there was anything else he wanted. He asked for my left Nike sneaker. So I gave him the pair.

His response was thank you very much but I only need one.

The lesson here - never sell yourself short - opportunities in life are taken not handed out.

Once again, Bill, thank you for weekly inspirational mails.

Have a great weekend.


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A Value Proposition?

by Andrew Laurence

Morning Bill,

I agree with your newsletter. Are we not all trying to sell something, even if our job is not being a salesman?

When people go on dates, are they not 'selling' themselves to the other person? When we go shopping at a specific shop, are we not going there because they have something that we need that they can/will sell us?

We watch TV and every sitcom or program has adverts.

As for the reader that says you are not sincere or genuine, well there are always a few. I feel that your newsletters are great. I want to thank you for the messages that you send to us. When I read your newsletters I can feel the sincerity in them.

Kindest Regards

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