Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Change the World

by Shamiel
(Johannesburg, South Africa)

Hi Bill

Thanks for your absolutely fabulous news letters. I learn a lot from every one. I even forward it to others.

I'm currently teaching. I'm serious about doing your Life Coach programme, just not in a position right now financially. Also not sure how much time I'm going to need to put in.


Comments for Change the World

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Feb 16, 2011
by: Mikyd510

How serious can you be if you already creating your own hiccups? Instead of creating a happy healthy future...

If it is your desire then go ahead & ensure it, do all that it will take. Following passion will not let you down, put yourself first & you would be able to assist & help others better...
Doubt yourself not...

Jan 26, 2011
You are making too many excuses
by: SACE

Shamiel, there is 99% of the work you can do (and proably on this website!) in order to empower you to become a lifecoach.

There is enough to train on and work with, so that by the time you have moeny available, you will be fired up and way past three quarters in getting your qualification.

More importantly, you will grow with every interaction.

You will be interacting with friends, family, co-workers and clients still for a long time. It seems MOST interaction is with people, this means you may as well get all the tools required to equip you better than anyone else to interact with all the folks in your life.

Good luck, and remember, dreams start out without considering the budget, the budget falls into place you have shown the universe and the people around you very specifically what you want to do.
Show them, you bosses, family, friends. Tell them. Often. You will be stunned by all the doors that will open. You spoke here, already you have feedback, someone (a stranger!) wanted to help you forward.

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