Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Client: Lisa, Mokopane

I am at a crossroads with my career and enthusiasm for it. I need motivation!
I'm thinking of changing careers, studying further in a previous profession, and possibly immigrating for that new career/profession.
I am 45 years old with a school-going child. Do I make such drastic changes, how do I go and plan this properly? Or should I just sit back and wait it out?
I'm not a person waiting for things to fall in my lap. but I'm tired, and feel too old to rock the boat (again), but I'm so not happy with life at the moment.
I mean I live, but there is so much more out there than what I am doing at the moment. I need a daily challenge and closure to my accomplishments.

Comments for Client: Lisa, Mokopane

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Feb 08, 2024
by: Nondulo

Hi Lisa, feel free to contact me on 0652047907

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