Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

Comments for Visualization

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Feb 16, 2011
by: Mikyd510

Problem is just an excuse not even a valid reason...
Subconsciously we all know what we truly want out of life & we all have desires. However we go about doing what we know works & must be done to keep up with our daily lifestyles & fulfilling our expectations. We take no or very little time following & finding means to make our passion work for us. Would this world not be better off, if people had real passion for their jobs? The only thing then would be to keep the passion burning & giving you reason to not lose the joy in what you are doing... My passion is to listen to individuals problems & broaden their mind sets... My problem was finance. I am now taking the steps (more than 10 years later) to overpower the problem & accept the short time sacrifice for a life time rewarding positive change in my personal life & the lives of others. I am very passionate about people & hate seeing people stress...

Jan 27, 2010
Time to give rein to your imagination
by: Bill Burridge

Hi George. Thanks for your comment.

For most of us, visualization does not take priority. The hundred and one other everyday things we think we ought to do and get done tend to sap our time and energy, leaving us little left for finding a quiet retreat where we can think deeply - with clarity and focus - about what it is we really want to bring to reality in our lives.

Regular, deep, focused thought will help flesh out our vision of what it is we truly desire and the clearer that vision and the more focused we are on it, the more likely it is to become reality.

I hope this helps.

Regards - Bill.

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