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Unleash  Your  Passion  for  People

How quickly can I complete the programme?

by Peter

Hi Bill

how quickly can one complete the CLASSIC track? Is it learner paced and is there a limited term of study?



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Oct 06, 2015
Speed of certification
by: Bill Burridge

Hi Peter,

Firstly, ours is a comprehensive programme that is focused on breadth, depth and quality of training to ensure that, once you are certified, you have the very best chance of success as a life coach.

You will need to invest approximately 300-350 hours in the programme but bear in mind that there is syubstantial practice coaching required too and this cannot easily be fast tracked.

In essence you are realistically looking at a minimum of 9 months to complete CLASSIC certification, and a little more for PRO.

We recommend setting your sights on a year but rest assured we provide up to two full years of support if you need it!

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